1. The word 'civilization' is derived from? Civis
  2. The word 'Civis' belongs to which language? Latin
  3. In which year the archelogical department of India (ASI) started? 1861
  4. Who is the first surveyor of Surveyor of ASI? Alexander Cunningham
  5. Where is the headquarters of Archaelogical Survey of India located? New Delhi
  6. Which device is used by archaeologists to see under the ground? Magnetic scanner
  7. Which device is used by archaeologist to detect the presence and absence of Archaeological remains? RADAR 
  8. Which is the precursor of Indus Valley Civilization? Mehrgarh
  9. Where is Mehrgarh located? Bolan basin of Balochistan in Pakistan
  10. Mehrgarh is a Neolithic site.
  11. Which is the period of Mehrgarh? Early 7000 BC
  12. Where is The Great Bath located? Mohenjo Daro
  13. Where is the granary located? Rakhigarhi in Haryana
  14. Where is the Assembly hall located? Mohenjo Daro 
  15. King Naram Sin of Akkadin Empire bought jewellery from? The land of Melukha
  16. The Naval Dockyard is located at? Lothal in Gujarat
  17. Where the Sculpture of a seated male found? A Building in Mohenjo Daro.
  18. Ivory scale is found in? Lothal in Gujarat
  19. What is the length of the the Ivory scale? 1704 millimetres
  20. Which is the first metal discovered by human beings? Copper
  21. What is the period of Indus Valley Civilization? 3300 - 1900 BC
  22. What is the period of Mesopotamia civilization? 3500 to 2000 BC
  23. What is the period of Egypt civilization? 3100 to 1100 BC
  24. What is the the period of Chinese civilization? 1700 to 1122 BC
  25. Where is the dancing girl statue found? Mohenjo Daro
  26. The dancing girl statue is made up of? Bronze
  27. The dancing girl statue is found by? Sir John Marshall
  28. The places Korkai,Vanji,Tondi,Matrai,Urai,Kudalgarh are located in? Pakistan
  29. The places Gurkay and Pumpuhar are located in? Afghanistan 
  30. The rivers Kaweri Wala and Phornai are in? Pakistan

  1. Kawri and Poruns rivers are located in? Afghanistan
  2. Cotton fabrics,wool were used by? Indus Valley people 
  3. Indus people used red quartz stone to design? Jewellery
  4. Horse and iron where unknown to the? Indus people 
  5. Which is the first metal discovered by humans? copper
  6. Which is the main occupation of Indus people? Not known
  7. Pottery is made by Indus people are in which colour? Red and Black
  8. Indus people worshipped? Mother Goddess
  9. Indus people made toys using? Terracotta
  10. The earliest form of writing was developed by? Sumerians
  11. Harappan culture started declining in 1900 BC
  12. Which site was declared as a World Heritage site by UNESCO? Mohenjo Daro
  13. By which method the age of the object determined by archaeologists? Radiocarbon dating method (C14)
  14. Which civilization is largest among the four ancient civilizations? Indus Valley Civilization
  15. Indus people had high sense of awareness on? Public health 
  16. Which is the earliest public tank in the world? The Great Bath
  17. Which is the best extent of Indus civilization? Makran coast of Baluchistan
  18. Which is the east extent of Indus civilization? Ghaggar Hakra river valley
  19. Which is the North East extent of Indus civilization? Afghanistan
  20. Which is the south extent of Indus civilization? Maharashtra
  21. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built by? King Khufu (2500 BC)
  22. Ur Ziggurat was built by? Ur Nammu in honour of Moon God Sin
  23. Abu simbel was built by Egypt king Ramesses II
  24. Indus Valley Civilization belongs to to which age? Bronze age
  25. Ruins of Harappa who was first described by whom? Charles Masson
  26. In 1856, Engineers laid railway line connecting Lahore and Karachi
  27. Archaeologist begin to excavate Indus Valley Civilization in? 1920
  28. Who is the Director General of Archaeological Survey of India in 1924? Sir John Marshall 
  29. Which is the oldest City in the Indus civilization? Harappa
  30. The total area of Indus civilization is?  3300-1900 BC
  31. What is the Number of cities in Indus valley civilization? 6 big cities
  32. What is the Number of villages in Indus valley civilization? More than 200
  33. The west part of the Harappa what's called? Citadel 
  34. What was used by harappans to measure? Sticks with marks
  35. Indus seals were found as far as? Mesopotamia
  36. There is evidence of maritime trade between? Indus and Mesopotamia 

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